Hello! In this post, I’d like to introduce you to mutation testing in the Scala programming language. Of course, the methods and frameworks described in this post can be used in other JVM-based languages, such as Java and Kotlin. There are several mutation testing frameworks available for JVM-based languages. Today, I’ll be using the PITest framework. But not framework itself is the most important. The most important is the idea of mutation testing.
This topic is special to me because I’m interested in mutation testing from a scientific research perspective.
Please keep in mind that this post is just an introduction to the topic. In the future, I will be writing about more advanced areas related to mutation testing.
Program-based mutation testing is a technique used to test software units, such as classes, methods, and functions, by modifying their source code. The modified code, known as a mutant, is a copy of the original code with a small alteration. It’s important to note that program-based mutation testing is just one type of mutation testing employed in practical programming.
Advantages of mutation testing:
Disadvantages of mutation testing:
Optimization of mutation testing is a area of still active research. Techniques like machine learning and Bayesian inference are being explored to make mutation testing more efficient and effective. As advancements continue, mutation testing may become a more cost-effective and widely adopted technique, particularly in commercial projects.
JVM-based languages have a lot of mutation testing frameworks. I would like to mention the most popular of them:
In relation to the topic of this post, I will show how to use mutation testing in Scala programming language. To do this, I will use the PITest framework. It’s the most popular mutation testing framework for JVM-based languages. PiTest is a fast, easy to use mutation testing system, it’s a still active project and it has a lot of features.
A big challenge in mutation testing is creating mutants for operators from the functional programming paradigm. Fortunately, PITest supports (at least partially) operators from the functional programming paradigm, such as those found in the Scala programming language.
PITest generates various types of mutations. Here are some example types of mutations that PITest can generate:
, !=
, <
, >
, etc., to other operators, such as <
-> <=
, ==
-> !=
, to see if the tests respond correctly to different cases.+
, -
, *
, /
, to other operators, such as ++
, --
, to see if the tests handle different computations.In each of reports, PITest provides a detailed description of the mutations that were generated, for example:
replaced boolean return with true for mutation/testing/gradle/init/HotelReservationSystem$$anonfun$findAvailableRooms$1::isDefinedAt
negated conditional
and many more.
In this section, I will show you how to use PITest in example code written in Scala.
Before you begin, make sure you have the PITest framework installed in your project.
If you’re using Gradle as your build tool, you can add the following lines to your build.gradle
file (with gradle-pitest-plugin):
plugins {
id 'info.solidsoft.pitest' version '1.9.1' // the latest version
pitest {
targetClasses = ['com.example.*'] // specify the package or class to be tested
targetTests = ['com.example.*'] // specify the package or class containing your test cases
// You can configure other options and settings here
And voilà! Now you can generate PITest reports for your project by running the Gradle task pitest. Simply execute the following command:
./gradlew pitest
This will initiate the mutation testing process using PITest and generate the corresponding reports.
The reports will provide insights into the effectiveness of your test suite in detecting mutations and highlight any areas where your tests could be improved.
You can find reports in the build/reports/pitest
Let’s start with a simple example.
class BankAccount(var balance: Double) {
def deposit(amount: Double): Unit = {
balance += amount
def withdraw(amount: Double): Boolean = {
if (amount > 0 && amount <= balance) {
balance -= amount
} else {
def transfer(amount: Double, recipient: BankAccount): Boolean = {
if (withdraw(amount)) {
} else {
def checkBalance(): Double = balance
class BankAccountSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers {
"The BankAccount" should {
"deposit money correctly" in {
val account = new BankAccount(100.0)
account.checkBalance() shouldEqual 150.0
"withdraw money correctly" in {
val account = new BankAccount(100.0)
account.withdraw(50.0) shouldEqual true
account.checkBalance() shouldEqual 50.0
"return false for invalid withdrawal" in {
val account = new BankAccount(100.0)
account.withdraw(150.0) shouldEqual false
account.checkBalance() shouldEqual 100.0
"transfer money correctly to another account" in {
val sender = new BankAccount(100.0)
val recipient = new BankAccount(50.0)
sender.transfer(75.0, recipient) shouldEqual true
sender.checkBalance() shouldEqual 25.0
recipient.checkBalance() shouldEqual 125.0
As you can see, I have prepared a simple BankAccount class for performing basic banking operations, along with a set of unit tests to ensure its functionality.
Below you can see part of the PITest report specifically related to the BankAccount class.
In the generated report, the green color indicates that the mutant was killed by the test suite. This means that the test suite successfully detected the fault introduced by the modified code.
On the other hand, the red color signifies that the mutant survived, indicating that either the test suite failed to detect the fault or there was no test coverage for that particular case. In this specific example, two mutants survived, which suggests that the corresponding faults were not detected by the test suite.
Additionally, you mentioned that there is a case where there is no test coverage, specifically when the amount of money to transfer is greater than the balance of the sender’s account or when the amount is less than or equal to zero. This implies that there may be potential issues or untested scenarios in those cases.
So let’s add new test.
"return false for invalid transfer" in {
val sender = new BankAccount(100.0)
val recipient = new BankAccount(50.0)
sender.transfer(150.0, recipient) shouldEqual false
sender.transfer(0.0, recipient) shouldEqual false
sender.checkBalance() shouldEqual 100.0
recipient.checkBalance() shouldEqual 50.0
Now, let’s run gradle pitest
task again and check the results:
Firstly, now we have full test coverage. Additionally, we killed one more mutant (from line 11) by adding a test case with exactly zero amount of money. However, we still have one surviving mutant for this line of code because we haven’t tested the scenario when the amount of money to transfer is equal to the sender’s account balance. To address this issue, we need to add test cases that cover this scenario.
val sender = new BankAccount(100.0)
val recipient = new BankAccount(50.0)
sender.transfer(100.0, recipient) shouldEqual true
Beautiful green color! Now we have full coverage in tests, and we killed all generated mutants.
Let’s explore a more complex example in Scala that involves functional elements.
class HotelReservationSystem {
private var bookings: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty
def makeReservation(roomNumber: String, numberOfGuests: Int): Unit = {
bookings += (roomNumber -> numberOfGuests)
def cancelReservation(roomNumber: String): Unit = {
bookings -= roomNumber
def getNumberOfGuests(roomNumber: String): Option[Int] = {
def findAvailableRooms(capacity: Int): List[String] = {
.collect {
case (roomNumber, guests) if guests <= capacity => {
def processBookings(bookingFunction: (String, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
bookings.foreach {
case (roomNumber, guests) => {
bookingFunction(roomNumber, guests)
def getRoomDetails(roomNumber: String): Option[(String, Int)] = {
.map(guests => (roomNumber, guests))
def getTotalNumberOfGuests: Int = {
class HotelReservationSystemSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with OptionValues {
"HotelReservationSystem" should {
"make a reservation correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
reservationSystem.makeReservation("101", 2)
reservationSystem.makeReservation("102", 1)
reservationSystem.getNumberOfGuests("101").value shouldEqual 2
reservationSystem.getNumberOfGuests("102").value shouldEqual 1
"find available rooms correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
reservationSystem.makeReservation("201", 3)
reservationSystem.makeReservation("202", 2)
val availableRooms = reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(2)
availableRooms should contain only ("202")
"process bookings correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
var totalGuests = 0
reservationSystem.makeReservation("201", 3)
reservationSystem.makeReservation("202", 2)
reservationSystem.processBookings { (_, guests) =>
totalGuests += guests
totalGuests shouldEqual 5
"get room details correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
reservationSystem.makeReservation("301", 4)
val roomDetails = reservationSystem.getRoomDetails("301")
roomDetails.value shouldEqual ("301", 4)
"get total number of guests correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
reservationSystem.makeReservation("401", 2)
reservationSystem.makeReservation("402", 3)
val totalGuests = reservationSystem.getTotalNumberOfGuests
totalGuests shouldEqual 5
The mutation in the cancelReservation
method is easy to eliminate with the following test because there are currently no tests for canceling a reservation.
"cancel a reservation correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
reservationSystem.makeReservation("401", 2)
reservationSystem.makeReservation("501", 2)
reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(3) shouldEqual List("401", "501")
reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(5) shouldEqual List("501")
Not bad! We still have five cases remaining, each related to the findAvailableRooms method.
Currently, we haven’t considered the conditional if guests <= capacity
in the findAvailableRooms
method, so we need to add some test cases to cover it.
Let’s fix find available rooms correctly
test case:
"find available rooms correctly" in {
val reservationSystem = new HotelReservationSystem()
reservationSystem.makeReservation("201", 3)
reservationSystem.makeReservation("202", 2)
var availableRooms = reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(2)
availableRooms should contain only ("202")
reservationSystem.makeReservation("603", 10)
availableRooms = reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(1)
availableRooms should be (empty)
availableRooms = reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(9)
availableRooms should contain only ("201", "202")
availableRooms = reservationSystem.findAvailableRooms(10)
availableRooms should contain only ("201", "202", "603")
Currently, we have full test coverage and have successfully killed all generated mutants. Great job!
As you can see, mutation testing is a powerful tool that can help you improve the quality of your tests and code. While it’s not a silver bullet, it can be a valuable addition to your test suite. Analyzing all generated mutants may not be easy, but it often leads to discovering interesting cases that you may not have considered before. I have presented mutation testing in the context of Scala, but it’s again worth noting that you can use PITest in other JVM languages as well, not necessarily limited to projects built with Gradle.
This post serves as a simple introduction to the topic, and I hope it encourages you to explore mutation testing in your own projects.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below.